Saturday, 23 November 2013


NFPE is 60 years young

                   National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) is a class-oriented militant organisation of above five lakhs postal employees. NFPTE was formed on 24.11.1954
                   The P&T trade union movement in India has inherited a history of struggles and sacrifices right from the days of British Raj.  During 1905 when there was no freedom to form unions, Babu Tarapada Mukherjee started this organisation in the name of a Postal Club at Kolkata GPO.  Tarapada was dismissed from service by the British Government for delivering a speech against the British Government in the year 1921 at Lahore All India Conference.  During the last more than one hundred years many leaders and workers of this organisation has been tortured, arrested and put under jail both by the British and Indian Governments.  Com. Dada Ghosh, founder Secretary General of NFPTE was arrested and placed under prolonged suspension. Com.N.J.Iyer, former All India President of NFPE was arrested for delivering a speech against “Emergency” in 1975 and imprisoned in Bikanir Jail for 18 months.  Com.K.Adinarayana, Former Secretary General of NFPE was in jail for three years for participating in the Telangara struggle against Nizam. Com. K. G. Bose, who electrified the P&T Trade Union movement with his class-oriented approach was dismissed from service. Many legendary leaders like Coms. O. P. Gupta, Henry Barton, V. G. Dalvi, K. L. Moza, A. S. Rajan, Piramanathan, N. C. Ambalavanan have lead this organization in the past.
                   25 days historic 1946 P&T strike is marked in the history of India’s freedom movement as one of the most militant struggle launched by P&T employees against the British Raj.  1960 five days strike of Central Government Employees, 1968 September 19th one day strike for Need Based Minimum wage in which 17 employees have been brutally murdered by the Government by resorting to firing and lathicharge. 1974 Bonus Strike, 1984 September 19th Strike for the emancipation of three lakhs Extra-Departmental employees, 1993 five day’s Postal Strike, 1996 eight days strike for bonus ceiling removal,  1998 eight days Postal strike, 2000 fourteen days Postal Strike were all lead by the National Federation of Postal Employees.  The one day strike by Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers conducted last year on 12-12-2012 is another milestone in the history of Postal Trade Union movement.
                   NFPE has been participating in all the nationwide General strikes including the 2013 February 20,21 two days strike conducted by the Central Trade Unions, right from 1991 onwards against the Neo-liberal imperialist globalisation policies pursued by the Central Government.
                   NFPE has conducted innumerable struggles for realisation of the legitimate demands of the Postal employees especially the most down-trodden section of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual, Part-time, Contingent employees.
                   NFPE is an affiliate of the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and Workers and is playing leading role in mobilising the Central Government employees and organising struggles including nation wide strikes.
                   Due to neo-liberal policies implemented by the Central Government during the last more than two decades, the Central Services including Postal department is facing great threat against its existence.  Ban on recruitment, outsourcing, downsizing, contractorisation, contributory pension scheme, non-regularisation of the services of Gramin Dak Sevaks, restrictions on compassionate appointments, Bonus discrimination are all the off shoots of this policy.  Due to unprecedented price rise the real wages of the employees and workers have eroded like anything.  The Central Govt. employees are on continuous struggle demanding appointment of Seventh Pay Commission with effect from 01.01.2011, 50% DA merger, regularisation of Gramin Dak Sevaks and Casual labourers etc.
                   NFPE Federal council held at Hyderabad in June 2013 has decided to celebrate the Diamond Jubilee of NFPE in a befitting manner. Inaugural ceremony of one year long celebrations will be held at New Delhi on 24.11.2013 and final celebrations will be organized at Jam Nagar (Gujarath) in a grand manner on 24th November 2014.
                   One year long Diamond Jubilee celebrations of NFPE shall definitely discuss all the issues confronting the working class in general and the Postal employees in particular and formulate programmes for future course of action.
                   NFPE calls upon the entire postal employees to conduct seminars, general body meetings, trade union workshops, honouring former leaders, exhibitions, classes on the history of the postal trade union movement etc. during the period from 24th November 2013 to 24th November 2014 as part of Diamond Jubilee celebrations.

                   Let us be proud of being a part of this great and glorious organization and let us carry forward our uncompromising fight against all injustices.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 09447068125

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Congratulation! All selected candidates as PA/ SBCO, West Bengal Circle

              [  Federated with the “National Federation of Postal Employees” ]
                                           West Bengal Circle Branch
                                    37, Ganesh Chandra Avenue, Kolkata-700013

PARAMESH ROY CHOWDHURY        ASIT DAS                          SANJIB BARUA

President                                          Circle  Secretary               Finance Secretary                 

PA SBCO Asansol H.O                   PA SBCO Park St H.O     PA SBCO,Beleghata H.O

Mob No. 09475378478                  Mob No.   09433443221        Mob No.  09432084911 

                                                Web :

No. PC – 35 / Recruitment /2013.                                                                                   Date : 12.11.2013.

Sri / Smt. 1. Rubel Bhattacharjee, 2. Debojit Basu, 3. Lesa Dey Barman, 4. Sourav Bhattacharya,
5. Tapas Paul, 6. Nabamita Saha, 7. Soumendra Nath Banerjee, 8. Raja Roy, 9. Partha Paul, 10. Anustup Pyne, 11. Kaushik Das, 12. Sweta Nath.13. Dola data 14. Sujjoy Karmakar 15. Shweta Kumari Singh 16. Saikat Bhar 17. Ashish Kumar 18. Madhusudan Sutradhar 19. Kunal Mandal 20. Satinath Mondal 21. Susmita Majumder 22. Simon Subba 23. Swapan Kujur. All  23 candidates selected in the merit list for recruitment as PA/SBCO West Bengal Circle.

Congratulation to all selected candidates

Congratulation! Welcome to the Big Postal family. Let me have the honour to convey my heartiest greetings on behalf of the AIPSBCOEA, West Bengal Circle Branch, on your success for getting & joining as  Postal Assistant (SBCO ),  Your joining in the cadre will not only inspire others but also help our department to extend valuable postal services to the members of public. Your selection will definitely give fresh oxygen to our constant struggle against staff retrenchment, abolition of posts and ban on recruitment.

            Since the implementation of Fifth Central Pay Commission, the staff side has sustained a huge shortage of strength. At the same time introduction of various new schemes has made the situation unbearable. In this context I further want to share with you that our organization affiliated to National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE), being the largest union (representing more than 74% of total staffs ) in the department has been the only to consistently struggle against the policy of abolition of posts and its effects on the staffs and the unemployed youth in the country.

            We cordially Welcome you to the SBCO family in the West Bengal Circle and invite you to join our union to strengthen it not only for the sake of employees but also for the growth of the nation.

            We assure you to provide our best co-operation in any difficulty in your new world.

            With warm greetings.
                                                                                                                        Sincerely yours,
                                                                                                                             ( Asit Das )
                                                                                                                         Circle Secretary,
                                                                                                    All India Postal SBCO Employees Association
                                                                                                                        West Bengal Circle



          Congratulations! and warm welcome to all the new entrants.  With pride & prestige, the NATIONAL FEDERATION OF POSTAL EMPLOYEES (NFPE) the delight of the Department of Posts known for commitment & service before  self, feel privileged to meet and greet the talented young blood inducted to the Department of Posts, with passion and sense of responsibility.
                   No doubt we have every reason to green with envy on your selection to this prestigious Department as you are chosen being the cream among who contested for selection .  We know NFPE Union needs no introduction as it has stamped its presence in the history of Indian trade union movement. NFPE is a militant organization of about 5 lakhs postal employees.  It is within everybody’s knowledge that only the voice of NFPE peals like a trumpet – note, from one end of India to the other, as it represents 70 TO 80% of the postal community in each circle.  The P&T trade union movement in India has inherited a history of struggle and sacrifices right from the days of British Raj.
                   The committed and dedicated rank & file under the guidance of illustrious leaders of the past and present have earned a niche in the temple of fame for which, no doubt, we know you are the true inheritors.
                   The unifying influence of the majestic organization is instrumental to which is fraught with infinite possibilities of progress for future generation. 
                   The NFPE therefore welcomes all of you to be a part of this organization and enrich and strengthen its great works so that you do not swerve from the pursuit of welfare and you do not swerve from the pursuit of knowledge and vigor. 
Come! Join NFPE and let us set together and march forward together! 
Please contact us or our Divisional/Circle Secretaries at any time for any help.  We are at your disposal.

With Warm Greetings,

M. Krishnan
Secretary General, NFPE
Mob: 09447068125

       Please visit our website :